About Professional Competence   


Part 11 of the Medical Practitioners Act 2007 (MPA 2007) places a statutory obligation on all registered medical practitioners to participate and engage in continuous professional development and indicate maintenance of standards of professional competence. As the body accredited by the Medical Council for Radiology and Radiation Oncology, the Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists is formally recognised by the Irish Medical Council (IMC) to administer a Professional Competence Scheme (PCS) for Radiology and Radiation Oncology. Participation by Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists in the PCS is a legal requirement from 1 May 2011.

Further information on the PCS is available here: PCS Handbook 2024-2025

For information on overseas practitioners and trainees, please see the Medical Council guidelines: Guide to Overseas Practitioners & Trainees 

If you are on the Medical Register, but are currently not practicing, please see the following advice from the Medical Council here.

Medical Council Guidelines on the implications of GDPR on Clinical / Practice Audit 

2024/25 PCS Guidelines 

The PCS requirements for the year 1 May 2024 - 30 April 2025 are 40 CPD credits (in any category) and to complete one clinical/practice audit. (50 hours in total)

The following are the recognised categories:

External (maintenance of knowledge and skills)

o    International/national meetings

o    Courses accredited by training body

o    College/society meetings

o    Medically related advanced degrees

o    Online courses


Internal (practice evaluation and development)

o    Morbidity and mortality meetings

o    Hospital grand rounds

o    Structured multi-disciplinary meetings

o    Clinical audit meetings

o    Case presentations


Personal learning

o    Self-directed education

o    Journal club

o    Reading journals, relevant online professional resources

o    Time spent studying for exam/diploma


Research and training

o    Article publication

o    Poster presentation

o    Research examiner

o    Teaching/lecture


Clinical audit/practice audit

o    Audit would be of an aspect of clinical practice such as outcomes from a procedure, compliance with guidelines or standards, or evaluation of processes.


PCS Dates  

PCS Year 14: 1 May 2024 - 30 April 2025

PCS Year 13: 1 May 2023 – 30 April 2024 

PCS Year 12: 1 May 2022 - 30 April 2023 
PCS year 11: 1 May 2021 - 30 April 2022 
PCS year 10: 1 May 2020 - 30 April 2020 
PCS year 9: 1 May 2019 - 30 April 2020 
PCS year 8: 1 May 2018 – 30 April 2019  
PCS year 7: 1 May 2017 – 30 April 2018  
PCS year 6 : 1 May 2016 – 30 April 2017  
PCS year 5: 1 May 2015 – 30 April 2016  
PCS Year 4: 1 May 2014 – 30 April 2015  
PCS Year 3: 1 May 2013 – 30 April 2014  
PCS Year 2: 1 May 2012 – 30 April 2013  
PCS Year 1: 1 May 2011 – 30 April 2012

PCS Application Form 

To enrol on the PCS, please complete the form below. Please note that this form is only for first time applicants to the PCS. 

PCS Application Form

Once the form has been completed, return it to:  
The Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists 
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland  
123 St. Stephen’s Green Dublin 2  
Tel: 01-402 2139, Fax: 01-402 2466  
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Renewal of subscriptions 

Renewal of subscriptions are now done online through the Faculty Member Login section.

A guidance document on how to renew your subscriptions can be found here.

For any further information on the PCS, please contact Rebecca Murphy on 01 402 5128 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CPD-SS Registration 

In order to support NCHDs who are currently not in a training post to continue, maintain and enhancing their clinical knowledge and skills the HSE has developed the Continuous Professional Development Support Scheme.

The Continuous Professional Development Support Scheme (CPD-SS) is an educational programme open to all NCHDs working in the public health service who

  • are in non-training posts
  • hold a 2010 NCHD contract with the HSE
  • and are registered on a Professional Competence Scheme.

The CPD-SS is funded by the HSE. It helps you enhance your clinical knowledge and skills and fulfil some of your Professional Competence Scheme requirements in line with Medical Council requirements. Enrolment is free of charge.

Entry Criteria 

  • You are not enrolled in an intern training programme or on a postgraduate specialist training programme such as BST or HST
  • You are enrolled on a Professional Competence Scheme applicable to your specialty
  • You have paid your Professional Competence Scheme subscription
  • You hold a 2010 NCHD contract
  • You are working in the public health service
  • You are on the General or Supervised Division of the Register of Medical Practitioners maintained by the Medical Council

To find out more about this scheme you can read the CPD-SS Guidance Document

CPD-SS Intake Poster 2024-2025

To register for CPD-SS please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.with the CPD-SS Application Form

The deadline for 2024-2025 CPD-SS Registration is 30th September 2024. 


To ensure that robust, auditable records of CPD activities are maintained for Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists, the Professional Competence Scheme is supported by an online information system called MedHub. On MedHub Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists can:

  • Access their CPD programme requirements.
  • Maintain an accurate record of their CPD activities as they occur.
  • Have immediate access to CPD levels achieved versus the programme’s requirements, allowing them to effectively plan their professional development activities to meet requirements.
  • Upload certificates of verification (i.e. accredited CPD points certificates awarded from meetings).
  • Download statements of participation

MedHub User Guide 2018 
Click on logo to access MedHub: MedHub

Guides & Newsletters 

PCS Handbook 2024-2025

CPD-SS Guidance Document  
MedHub User Guide 2018  

Professional Competence Schemes for Doctors in Non-Clinical Practice 
Guidelines on Internal Events 
Medical Council Guide to Audit Please note that this relates to the Audit carried out by the Medical Council, and not the PCS category of clinical audit  
Clinical Audit – what is involved? 


Member Login

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