Radiology is defined as the specialty encompassing all aspects of medical imaging that yields information regarding anatomical, physiological and pathological status of disease. It includes those interventional techniques necessary for diagnosis, as well as minimally invasive therapy, which fall under the remit of departments of clinical radiology.

The Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland is the statutory body responsible for training of Radiologists and for certifying their competence for registration and hereby reaffirms that right.

It is a basic tenet of the training programme that the patient’s interest supersedes all other considerations, particularly self-interest, and that at all times the trainee acts with professionalism, integrity and an ethical principle of patient care. Effective communication skills are crucial to this process as well as an ability to act as part of a clinical care team.

Criteria and Standards for the Accreditation of Radiology Training Sites

Criteria and Standards for the Accreditation of Radiology Training sites

Diagnostic Radiology Specialist Registrar Training

Diagnostic Radiology Curriculum

Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of Specialist Training (CSCST)

This is available to Specialist Registrars upon completion of five accredited years of training, obtaining Fellowship of Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists and completion of mandatory modules as required by the Faculty.  It will only be available once all these requirements have been met.  We will not be able to provide CSCST earlier than this.

Procedure to obtain CCST

  • If all five years of training have been fully accredited with the Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists we will automatically provide you with CSCST. Please ensure that we have the correct postal address on file.
  • If four years of training were carried out with the Faculty, and the fifth year is to be undertaken abroad, please note that you must be granted prior approval by the Fellowship Advisory Committee for the Fellowship year before completion of fourth year.  Out of Programme Experience Form A must be completed and submitted in this regard.  Following completion of your Fellowship abroad, an Out of Programme Experience Form B must be completed and submitted with a supervisors end of fellowship report, a copy of the curriculum and an updated cv.
  • Maximum of one year out of programme experience is recognised for HST(Curriculum to be approved by the Faculty)